Statistics Education



May 19, 2019


Last week I attended the United States Conference on Teaching Statistics. The biennial conference, which took place at Penn State, attracts statistics educators and statistics education researchers from across the world. It was a fantastic conference with keynotes from Jane Watson, Allen Schirm and Ron Wasserstein, John Kruschke, and Kari Lock Morgan.

I cajoled four of my graduate students (Jonathan Brown, Mike Huberty, Chelsey Legacy, and Vimal Rao) to tag along, and it was fun to see them interacting with the people and ideas presented. Our alumni from the statistics education program were also well represented with posters and breakout sessions led by myself, Laura Le, Laura Ziegler, and Matt Beckman.

Jane Watson
Jane Watson presents a keynote of her work with Austrailian school-level students.
Jonathan Brown
Jonathan Brown presents a poster on his work on understanding how students approach simulation-based inferential problems.
Laura Le
Laura Le talks to Douglas Whittaker about her work teaching biostatistics students in a literacy-based course.
Vimal Rao
Vimal Rao talks to a whole host of folks including Iddo Gal and Rob Gould about some of the work he did with George Washington students.